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What should be included in the equipment of a beauty salon?

Equipping a beauty salon so that it meets the requirements not only of clients, but also of sanitary authorities, is quite a challenge. The key element is to provide a comfortable space that at the same time meets all hygiene and safety standards. On the list of priorities are treatment chairs, lamps for lighting, or cabinets for cosmetics. Cabinets must also not lack equipment for disinfection. What else is needed for a beauty salon? Check and do not forget any of the items!
How to equip a beauty salon? Basic equipment
The equipment of a beauty salon should include items that not only provide comfort to customers, but also facilitate the work for the staff. Therefore, every salon should be equipped with armchairs and cosmetic beds, cabinets for holding preparations, a desk, as well as tools and accessories necessary for carrying out treatments. It is also necessary to have lighting that allows for the precise performance of treatments. However, beauty salon equipment is not only furniture and accessories.
Tools necessary for work in a beauty salon
Cabinet equipment in the form of furniture is not all that should be in a salon. Equally important are the tools needed to perform treatments. Among the essential tools that will help perform a professional and safe procedure are disposable needles, which are the basis of aesthetic medicine treatments and cosmetic procedures.
What to buy for a cosmetic surgery? Safety issues should not be forgotten either. All sorts of aprons, facemasks, disinfection equipment and waste garbage cans are key items that are important for the protection of clients and salon employees. All of the above not only serve a hygienic function, but also testify to the professionalism of the salon in question and help win the trust of clients and keep them for longer.
What are the sanepid requirements for a beauty salon?
When equipping a beauty salon, it is important to consider not only the needs of yourself and your own clients, but also the sanepid requirements for the salon. First of all, the salon should have efficient and clean ventilation - this is not only a matter of comfort, but above all a prerequisite for hygiene and safety in the salon. According to sanitary regulations, a beauty salon must undergo mandatory chimney inspections, inspections and regular cleaning and maintenance, including the de-fumigation process. And what does the sanepid say about disinfection of tools?
In light of sanepid requirements, a beauty salon must pay special attention to the process of disinfecting equipment and reusable tools. The most effective is sterilization by means of steam under positive pressure, which is done with autoclaves. It is therefore worthwhile for every salon to have this tool, in order to ensure maximum hygiene in the working environment.
It is not necessary to register the autoclave with the sanitary authorities, but you should inform the purchase of this device and undergo the recommended tests. Each sterilization process should be documented and archived.
What should a beauty salon be equipped with?
A beauty salon, in order to ensure not only the effectiveness of treatments for its clients, but also safety and trust, should be equipped with key elements such as treatment furniture, tools, and sterilization equipment. With comprehensive equipment and sterilization processes, a beauty salon is seen as a trustworthy and safe place. We hope you already know how to equip a beauty salon!